If your child is not able to attend school on a particular day please make sure you let the school office know by 8.55am. If a student is absent without notice, the school will endeavour to contact the family to find out where the student is. However, please remember that it is the family’s responsibility to contact the school before 8.55am.
PLEASE NOTE: You are required to ring every day for which your child is absent unless a return date has been notified to the office.
To let the school know your child or children will be absent,
please email the office (attendance@rosebank.school.nz)or phone the office on 09 828 6319.
It is a Ministry of Education requirement that you clearly state:
your name
your child/children’s name/s
your child/children’s class/es
the reason for their absence
If you need to take your child out of school for any reason during the school day, please see the school office before you collect them from class.